Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
December 16, 2022
Yesterday, Senator Michael Bennet introduced the Affordable and Secure Food Act. This comprehensive agricultural labor reform bill will institute a number of important changes to the current system of agricultural employment. It establishes a certified temporary legal status category for agricultural workers, their spouses, and minor children that can lead to a permanent green card. It reforms the H-2A visa program by allowing year-round contracts, streamlines the application process, and adds extra flexibility including staggered entry and a portable pilot program. It brings important changes to the Adverse Effect Wage Rate, requires a heat illness plan and builds important supports for employee housing as well as creating safeguards for foreign labor recruitment.
“Agricultural employees provide a vital service to ensure a strong U.S. agricultural economy and are essential to the success of family farms and ranches. It is far past time to fix the immigration process for those looking to legally work in the United States, both temporarily and on a permanent basis. This will strengthen the agricultural industry and allow agricultural workers to benefit from their contribution to our food system while enjoying safe, dignified working conditions.” said RMFU President, Chad Franke. “We thank Senator Bennet for his leadership in bringing forward this critical bill that will provide the needed labor as well as lead to a better future for all of those involved in agriculture.”
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