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Membership in the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union amplifies your voice. You and our 15,000 members influence state and federal policy directly. But that’s not all…

Members are eligible for home and auto insurance policy discounts from the Farmers Union Service Association (FUSA) as well as other benefits such as retail discounts offered though both the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and the National Farmers Union.

You become part of a community of like-minded people.

Membership in your local chapter will bring you opportunities to meet with other agriculturally-minded folks, but it also brings the opportunity to socialize as well. Local chapters host a variety of events, from talks to dinners, workshops to dances. Membership also makes you eligible for scholarship opportunities to attend events such as the National Women’s Conference, Annie’s Project, and the College Conference on Cooperatives, among others.

You immediately give back to your community.

Your membership dues also support a wide variety of educational opportunitiescooperative services, farmer assistance, and farmer/rancher advocacy. By becoming a member, you’re helping to build an organization that stands up for farmers and ranchers.


Become a Member