Chad Franke grew up as the fifth generation on his family farm and ranch near Akron, Colorado. His childhood memories include potluck dinners at local RMFU chapters and family trips to national conventions. His RMFU involvement began through the summer camp program, first as a camper, then as a camp counselor. By age 16, he was a delegate to state and national conventions. At 18, he received the Farmers Union Torchbearer Award. He and his wife Carolyn completed the Fellows program with the class of 2011-2012. Until recently, they owned a small farm near Roggen, Colorado, where they raised Berkshire pigs for Whole Foods, sold pork and beef direct to consumers, grew hay, operated a small feed mill, and raised their children. Chad joined the RMFU Board of Directors in 2016 as vice president. He has also served as the RMFU Policy Chair, facilitating debates. Chad and his wife now live in Lander, Wyoming, where Chad dedicates himself full-time to his role as RMFU president.