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Strategic Initiatives

Making Good Things Happen

In addition to the work RMFU completes through our Legislative, Educational, and Cooperative branches, we also support multi-organizational projects that assist and uplift the agricultural community.


Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, and supported by grants from the Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program and the Colorado Trust, AgWell was founded in 2021 as an organization designed to provide stress management and well-being support to agricultural workers throughout Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

AgWell works through a collaborative network of community partners to connect farmers, ranchers, agricultural workers, and their families to the resources they need to get the support they deserve.

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Colorado Drought Advisors

Colorado Agricultural Drought Advisors is a multi-organization partnership that offers webinars and trainings and provides one-on-one consulting on creating drought plans with farms or ranches.

The Drought Advisor mission is to build short and long-term resilience to drought among Colorado producers by working with farmers and ranchers to connect resources, identify/assess risk, and implement practices that lessen the impact of drought. Drought Advisors works with individuals to assess resources, identify risk, develop planning tools, and implement practices to lessen drought hardship and stress.

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