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What We Do

Build Leaders

For more than 115 years, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union has been a champion for the families who make their living farming and ranching across the region.


As a grassroots organization, Farmers Union provides its members with essential tools to become effective advocates for production agriculture. Based on the three pillars of Education, Cooperation, and Legislation, we work to develop policies and priorities guided by farmers and ranchers who sit at the table with elected and appointed policymakers at the state and national levels. Through our Government Relations team, we advocate for legislation favorable to farmers and ranchers in our three-state region of Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico. Our Education program grows up-and-coming leaders in agriculture of all ages. The Cooperative Development Center works with groups to create member-owned business ventures that deliver economic and social benefits. Together, these three pillars work to ensure we are creating a society in which family farmers, ranchers, and their communities thrive.