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DENVER—Rocky Mountain Farmers Union (RMFU) has awarded $10,500 in post-secondary scholarships to 11 outstanding young people from Colorado and Wyoming for the 2004-05 academic year. This includes two scholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each, awarded by Farmers Union Insurance agencies in Grand Junction, Colo. and Sterling, Colo.
“The 11 young people selected to receive these scholarships are the best and brightest. We will be looking to them to provide leadership in their communities, their professions and to Rocky Mountain Farmers Union,” said RMFU Education Director Amy Meyer. “They are highly deserving of this recognition, and RMFU is very proud to present them with these scholarships.”
Colorado recipients of the 2004-05 scholarships in the amount of $1000 each are:
From Gill, Kent Larson, son of Mike and Michele Larson, receives the Joey Skurich Memorial Scholarship, with $500 endowed by the Skurich family and $500 contributed by the RMFU Service Association. He will attend the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo.
From Merino, Rachelle Sessions, daughter of Brian and Ann Sessions, is awarded the Perry & Donna Jackson Farmers Union Scholarship, funded by the Farmers Union Service Association. She will attend Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, Wyo.
From Crawford, Larry Charles Todd, son of Danny and Monita Todd, receives the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Scholarship. He will attend Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colo.
From Grand Junction, Justin Beougher, son of Jerry Beougher, receives the Dale Smith Memorial Scholarship funded by the Farmers Union Service Association. He will attend the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo.
From Idalia, Gage Anderew Soehner, son of Gary and Cindy Soehner, receives the Farmers Union Service Association Scholarship. He will attend the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo.
From Holyoke, Margaret Mary Mailander, daughter of Paul and Teresa Mailander, is awarded the James G. Patton Memorial Scholarship. She will attend Regis University in Denver, Colo.
From Ault, Kyle Wolf, son of Randy and Kathy Wolf, is awarded the James G. Patton Memorial Scholarship. He will attend Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colo.
From Hotchkiss, Michael Carl Smith, son of Mark and Tammy Smith, is awarded the Farmers Union Service Association Scholarship. Smith is still considering different schools.
From Ft. Collins, Jenny Michelle Freeborn, daughter of Dean and Andrea Freeborn, is awarded the Hazel Hemphill Memorial Scholarship, with $500 endowed by Morgan County Farmers Union and $500 contributed by the RMFU Service Association. She will attend Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colo.
From Denver, Joe Mailander, son of Bob and Rita Mailander, receives the Maurice Parker Memorial Scholarship, with $500 endowed by Morgan County Farmers Union and $500 contributed by the RMFU Service Association.
The sole Wyoming recipient of a 2004-05 scholarship in the amount of $500 is:
From Powell, Tiffany Swain, daughter of Garland and Rhonda Swain, receives the Edna Buchanan Memorial Scholarship. She will attend Northwest College in Powell, Wyo.
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