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2024 Board Candidates

Elections Districts II and VII

Your Voice, Your Vote

RMFU is a member-driven organization. Guide our future by helping us select our next board members.

*All candidates are listed by position for which they are running and in order of nomination submission.

Candidate for District II - Barb Marty

Barbara Marty is running for the District II position on the Board of Directors of Rocky Mountain Farmers Union. Barb grew up in RMFU attending day camps, summer camps in Bailey, and receiving her Torchbearer award. Her husband, Albert’s family has also been long-time members of RMFU. Barb participated in the 2005 Fellows class, and all 4 of the Marty children have gone through the youth program attending camps and receiving their Torchbearer awards. Barb has served on the State Colorado Ag Commission Board, helped spearhead the Farm to School task force, and was a founding member of the Colorado Food Systems Advisory Council. She served as the secretary of Adams/St.Vrain Farmers Union chapter for many years and been active in RMFU’s education activities for over 25 years along with church and 4H activities.


Candidate for District II - Kristin Ramey

Kristin Ramey lives in Berthoud on a small family farm where they raise proteins for their community, including lamb, poultry, beef and pork. Kristin has served as Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President of Berthoud Local, a non-profit in her town that aimed to support local food. She has managed the Farmer’s Market in town, and helped organize and run Farm to Table dinners, to connect local farms to customers in our community. Kristin is also a member of the Larimer County Agricultural Advisory Board, and served as part of a team that helped rewrite the entire Land Use Code expanding land use rights for agriculture. Kristin is currently the President of LCFA (Larimer County Farmers Alliance) the local chapter of RMFU and understands the importance of coming together, supporting each other, and helping each other grow.


Candidate for District VII - Sarah Wentzel-Fisher

Sarah Wentzel-Fisher is the executive director of the Quivira Coalition. Sarah has worked in food and agriculture planning for over a decade with a focus on supporting young and beginning farmers and ranchers. She was the editor of Edible Santa Fe from 2011 to 2017. From 2013 to 2015 she worked for the National Young Farmers Coalition as an organizer and is currently on the board of the Southwest Grassfed Livestock Alliance and the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union. She is a committed champion of the local food movement and of resilient and regenerative agriculture. In her free time, you can find her feeding pigs, turkeys and cows, checking the compost pile, or possibly weeding a patch of beans at Polk’s Folly Farm where she lives.


Candidate for District VII - Jonna Stanger

Jonna Stanger is running for the Board of Directors, District VII, from the great state of New Mexico. Born and raised in New Mexico, she moved to Los Angeles and Las Vegas before returning home 15 years ago. She has family farming roots in NM, TX, and AR and grew up always having a large family garden. She and her partner Rod have now moved to the country and started Heavy Meadow Farms, where they grow a variety of corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, okra, and watermelons. They are working to increase our soil health and are active participants in CASH (Conversations About Soil Health), a local organization that provides free education regarding healthy soil. Jonna has been a paralegal for 35 years, is a graduate of Annie’s Project, and currently serves as the Market Manager for the Tucumcari Farmers’ Market. RMFU is an amazing organization, and she would like to share in the stewardship of your voices, values, and Rocky’s Foundations.


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