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Action Alert: Tell Your Legislators to Support Ag Behavioral Health Care!

We need YOUR help!
One of the bills that RMFU is running this year in the Colorado legislative session, SB24-055–Agricultural and Rural Behavioral Health Care, is at risk of failing due to not being funded.
SB24-055 establishes a program in the Behavioral Health Administration and creates a working group to address the behavioral health crisis in agricultural and rural communities. Due to the lack of access to behavioral health care and agricultural producers having a rate of suicide that is three and a half times the rate of other professions, something needs to be done by the state of Colorado.
Please help us by reaching out to the members of the Colorado General Assembly  to let them know that this is an important policy and that they should fund and pass SB24-055.
You can do this by sending something like the following message or a more personalized message:
Senator/Representative _________, 
I hope you are doing well. 
I am a farmer/rancher/agricultural producer in _________. 
Our communities are struggling and we need your help. Agricultural and rural communities are in a behavioral health care crisis. (You can also share any personal story here that you feel comfortable sharing). 
Please support SB24-055–Agricultural and Rural Behavioral Health Care and the related appropriation. The funds requested for this bill are a small price to pay to start to address the behavioral health care crisis that our communities are facing. 
Please support SB24-055 and hear it on the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, April 23rd. 
Thank you,
Your Name
You can find your local legislators listed at this link. Or, you can search for them at this link.
Use your voice to help us fight for family farms and ranches and the support they deserve!


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