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Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Rocky Mountain farmers Union and the Boulder County Farmers Market have been asked to assist is distributing Farm Aid payments to farmers in the South Platte basin who suffered agricultural losses in September flooding. This funding is intended to function as emergency relief and to assist farmers and farm families with non-business, household expenses. If you meet the eligibility requirements, please submit your application by November 1, 2013, for review.
Applications for Colorado Farm Flood Relief must be received by November 1, 2013. {Click here (Word or PDF) for application.) Please be thorough but concise in your responses to the questions. Completed applications should be emailed as a PDF or Microsoft Word attachment or mailed to
Colorado Farm Flood Relief
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union
7900 E. Union Ave #200
Denver, CO 80237
Colorado family farmers whose farms were affected by flooding in September in the South Platte River and its tributaries and who have suffered hardship as a result may apply. Funds are allocated to farms that have the highest need.
Successful applicants will receive a one-time $500 emergency relief payment. RMFU and BCFM have funding to distribute a total of 20 payments of $500; farmers may only receive funds from one organization.
Relief payments are intended as emergency relief only. Use of the funds is restricted to household expenses, such as groceries, home utilities, medical bills, or other household expenses not directly related to the operation of the farm or ranch. The funds may not be used for any business expense or investment.
The criteria by which the applications will be assessed are as follows:
Applications will be reviewed by a panel of at least three individuals appointed by RMFU and BCFM to include staff, community members, and area farmers. Each reviewer will rate each application according to the above criteria and the total of the three ratings will be assigned to the application. Applications will be prioritized by this rating and the top 20 will be awarded payments. The panel will complete the reviews by November 8 and grants will be mailed by November 15.
None of the individuals who serve on the panel, including farmers, receive any financial remuneration for their service. Reviewers will not be eligible to apply for the relief funding.
Please contact Bill Midcap ( or 303.283.3528) with any questions. Here are some general guidelines for applying.
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