Emily spent her first career in alternative healing. In this time, she realized how connected much of the world’s chronic pain is realted to soil health and the health of those that tend to the world’s food. With her knowledge as a life and health coach, educator, and marketer, Emily chose to use transition to a company who teaches ranchers how to sell direct to consumers.
By working with this company, Emily was better able to understand the underlying stress and pressure many farm families experience each and every day. Through this experience, she has connected with Pfaltzgraff Farms. Here, she began developing programs supporting the mental health of our farmers, as well as giving them the tools to better their operations, increasing profitability and time.
Emily holds multiple certifications in alternative healing and bodywork, a BA in Operations and Marketing, an MA in Adult Education and Leadership, and certifications in Health and Transformative Life Coaching. She has worked one-on-one for over 25 years with individuals working to heal trauma and navigate major life transitions.
However, to Emily, nothing is more healing than the joy and laughter of each person she has been gifted to work with. Emily cherishes the joy in being silly with her two children, getting into the garden, learning, creating, connecting, and being especially goofy with her partner Roy.