Join us in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for our Legislative Drive-In.
Location: Wyoming State Capitol and Laramie County Library
Thursday, February 20th
The agenda is subject to change. We are awaiting speaker confirmations.
7:30: Meet at the State Capitol
Welcome and Introductions:
–Chad Franke, President of RMFU
–Hana Fancher, RMFU District VI Director
–Tyler Garrett, RMFU Director of Government Relations
8:00-10:00: Members choose between Ag Committee or Tour of Capitol
10:00-10:30: Travel to Laramie County Library
10:30-11:15: Legislative Update
–Scott Zimmerman and Era Aranow
11:15-12:00: Advocacy Training
–Tyler Garrett
12:00-1:30: Lunch and Learn at Laramie County Library
–Sec. of Ag. invited as Speaker, other officials also invited
1:45-3:00: Meetings with Legislators
3:00: Adjourn
Tyler Garrett: 479-427-2420
Scott Zimmerman: 307-630-4050
Era Aranow: 307-240-9911