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Among those recognized at the RMFU Convention was FUSA insurance agent Kyle Bradley of Colorado Springs. Announcing the award, RMFU President Kent Peppler said, “Farmers Union Service Association and its agents are our friends and partners in rural communities. Our success depends on the FUSA agencies’ strong tradition of community service. The Agent of the Year Award goes to an agent who stands out among these friends, one who strives to make a difference for their clients and also takes an active role in RMFU and their community.”
Kyle Bradley certainly fits the description. He has been with Farmers Union Service Association for nine years. During this time he has worked hard to serve the values and needs of the RMFU community. He has committed time and effort as the president of the RMFU Agents Association. He has sponsored a camper each year to RMFU summer leadership camps in Bailey, Colo. He has worked the RMFU booth at the Colorado State Fair and supported the RMFU/FUSA charity golf tournament. He has demonstrated leadership through his service.
Kyle is a graduate of the RMFU Fellows program and newly elected president of the Denver/Jefferson County Farmers Union, which he served last year as vice president. He has consistently been one of the top membership recruiters, and he contributed his agency’s time to help test a new on-line membership dues process.
Bradley’s commitment to his community extends beyond RMFU and FUSA. He is a member of the Black Forest Business Group and the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce. He helps with the local fairs, and he sponsors the Royalty Breakfast at the El Paso County Fair and High School Rodeos. “His District Manager describes him as ‘a model agent,'” Peppler concluded, “and we at Rocky couldn’t agree more.”
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