Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
What a month January has been. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union represents the three states of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. With state legislatures in Sante Fe, Denver, and Cheyenne, as well as the federal legislature in Washington DC, we advocate for member policy in four legislatures, and all four of those started new sessions in January. Along with the new sessions are new issues coming fast and furious. If you are on our email list to get the action alerts, you have seen a few things already and can anticipate more coming. In addition to these hot topics, we actively work to support or oppose bills and actions based on the member-adopted policy through channels that aren’t always visible.
Positive relationships with our legislators and their staff go a long way toward strengthening our member’s voices. Many of the fine details are worked out after bills are introduced, but the bills are largely hashed out and written well before being introduced due to our reputation of bringing non-partisan, member-adopted policies with a strong educational emphasis to these early discussions.
One of the ways that we build these relationships and prove that we are a true grassroots, member-based organization is through our drive-ins and fly-ins. As I type this, I am preparing to make the trek from Lander, Wyoming, to Sante Fe, New Mexico, for our first state drive-in. If you have never been to one, please do what you can to get to your state’s drive-in. If you have attended in the past, thank you, and keep coming!
The annual NFU fly-in in September is also an event that helps us build relationships on the federal level. As President of RMFU, I spend a fair amount of time working with our 18 federal legislators and their staff. RMFU’s reputation is impressive, and although legislators don’t always agree with our policy stances, they are open to discussing where we disagree as much as where we agree.
When our staff or I have conversations, testify, or issue statements, we speak not as individuals, but on behalf of our members who adopted our policy positions. This carries more weight. Active members showing up and putting faces and stories behind our membership is an important task for our members.
Attend drive-ins and fly-ins and build relationships with our legislators. Tell your individual stories about how things affect you.
If you agree with our policy positions, and more importantly, if you disagree, show up to our annual convention, participate, and be a voice in our grassroots organization.
Help us achieve our vision of a society in which family farmers, ranchers, and their communities thrive.
Share your voice and help shape the future of farming and ranching in the Rocky Mountain region.
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