Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Members from East Adams/Arapahoe, Elbert/Lincoln, Logan, Phillips, Saint Vrain Valley, Weld and Yuma counties met at the Colorado State Capital February 17 to lobby the legislature on behalf of the independent agriculture producer.
After a briefing by Rocky Mountain Farmers Union (RMFU) President Dave Carter on the current issues, the group of 12 RMFU members attended a Senate Agriculture Committee meeting. Board member Richard Wolf testified in support of Senate Bill (SB) 190 to outlaw MTBE, a synthetic oxygenator used in gasoline. MTBE is a potential human carcinogen and has been found to be leaking out of underground gas tanks contaminating water supplies. As well as outlawing the use of MTBE in Colorado, SB190 will establish civil penalties for violations.
Volunteers also met with Agriculture Committee members of both the house and senate at a luncheon hosted by RMFU. Senators Gigi Dennis and Mike Feeley, and Representative Brad Young addressed the group.
Before heading home, the group met individually with legislators to encourage their support on various issues affecting Farmers Union members. Visit the Colorado legislative page on this website for the latest updates on the bills Farmers Union is following.
A big THANK YOU to members who came to Denver:
Jim & Dorothy Brophy, Yuma
Michael Goranson, Peetz
Jan Kochis, Matheson
Dwight Palser, Greeley
Elwin Poe, Holyoke
Dolores Tippett, Byers
Art & Mary Todd, Byers
Richard Wolf, Ault
Karl Yamaguchi, Platteville
Darlene Shalosky, Matheson
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