Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union (RMFU) President Kent Peppler, a Mead, Colo., farmer, expressed disappointment and frustration that the Senate extended the 2002 farm bill today. “It’s time get it done,” Peppler said. “The American people are tired of watching Congress try to make deals with an uncompromising administration that has no sympathy for the common citizen. Send the President a bill, let him veto it, and override the veto.
“Farmers and ranchers are well into the 2008 season, and we still don’t know if we will have the security of permanent disaster relief. We don’t know if government energy and conservation initiatives will be increased or decreased. We can’t plan for the coming year, because Congress has failed to settle the farm bill. And American consumers are hurt too, as food programs for children, schools, and the elderly remain unfunded and in limbo for another month.
“RMFU will continue to pressure Congress to end this dangerous stalemate. We are pleased that family farming has champions in the national legislature like Senator Ken Salazar and Representatives Marilyn Musgrave and John Salazar. We will work with them in the coming weeks to get the farm bill settled.”
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