Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bob Kjelland
Phone: 970-397-0039
DENVER, Colo. — The board of Rocky Mountain Farmers Union is advocating for “Yes” votes on six ballot measures and “No” votes on three others, based on how the impact of each measure will help or hurt farmers, ranchers, and rural communities.
“These proposed changes to Colorado’s Constitution and laws are now in the hands of voters,” said RMFU Board Chairwoman Jan Kochis. “We’ve learned the hard way that every vote counts when it comes to making sure rural Colorado has a voice in its future.”
The RMFU Board, made up of active farmers and ranchers from across the state, is opposed to Proposition 112, which seeks to expand the setback requirement for oil and gas development. “As written, the proposition will simply strangle oil and gas development, while not achieving any measurable increase in safety. This ‘all-or-nothing’ approach isn’t the way to move forward,” says Kochis.
The board voiced support for Proposition 73 and its goal of improving funding for education. “For various reasons, funding for education is not matching real-world needs. We’re losing ground, and that’s not fair to our students, our schools, or our future workforce,” adds Kochis.
The state’s second largest farm organization also supports the following ballot items:
Amendment X: Change in Definition of Industrial Hemp
Amendment Y: Congressional Redistricting
Amendment Z: Legislative Redistricting
Proposition 110: Authorize Sales Tax and Bonds for Transportation Projects
Proposition 111 (Initiative 126): Limitations on Payday Lenders
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union opposes the following ballot items:
Amendment 74: Just Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law/Regulation
Proposition 109: Authorize Bonds for Transportation Projects
On Amendment 74, RMFU President Dale McCall stated, “We feel the amendment was poorly and vaguely written and has the potential to go too far. Our research into the matter shows possible devastating economic effects from a similar initiative passed in Oregon that saddled taxpayers with billions of dollars in legal fees. This is not the path Colorado should follow. There must be a better way to resolve our issues, together, and we believe Amendment 74 is not the answer.”
The board took no positions on the balance of the ballot items.
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