Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Rural Citizens Invited to Discuss Policy Concerns At Town Meetings
Denver—Rocky Mountain Farmers Union (RMFU) and its county affiliates have announced a series of town meetings in rural areas that are aimed at educating urban Colorado Legislators on the issues affecting rural citizens. The meetings are open to anyone, and RMFU county leadership is encouraging all small town/rural people to attend.
Dubbed Urban Legislators Listen, the series of five community meetings begins Sept. 29 and ends Oct. 29. On the agenda at most of the meetings will be Colorado House of Representatives Minority Leader Dan Grossman, D-Denver, and attending all five meetings is House of Representatives Agriculture Committee Member Tom Plant, D-Nederland.
“I think it is important that urban and rural people learn about the issues affecting each other’s communities and find a way to work for the good of all Coloradoans,” said RMFU President Dave Carter. The agenda for the town meetings is slated to include water policy, rural healthcare, country-of-origin food labeling, value-added marketing of agricultural products, national food security, and consolidation in the agricultural and supermarket sectors. Participants are invited to raise any other issues important to them and their rural neighbors. For more information on the meetings, contact your county Farmers Union representative or call RMFU at 800-373-7638.
The town meeting schedule is as follows:
Saturday, Sept. 29, 6:00 pm
Otero Junior College Student Center Conference Room
1802 Colorado Ave., La Junta
Sunday, Sept. 30, 5:00 pm
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
726 3rd St. Alamosa
Saturday, Oct. 6, 6:00 pm
Delta VoTech Center, Grand Mesa Room
(3 miles south on Hwy. 50)
(Rep. Mary Hodge, D-Brighton, to replace Grossman at this meeting)
Thursday, Oct. 11, 7:30 pm
Morgan Community College Founders Room, Aspen Bldg. #201
Fort Morgan
Monday, Oct. 29, 7:30 pm
Liberty Grange Hall
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