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Rocky Mountain Farmers Union’s (RMFU) Adams/Arapahoe/Boulder county organizations will hold their 100th anniversary celebration at the Adams County Fairgrounds, Sunday, July 9, from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. The event is open to the public.
The day’s events will include games, exhibits and food vendors. A special chautauqua appearance by Franklin Delano Roosevelt will take place at 2 p.m. A dance with music by ‘Country Touch’ is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.
The event is part of a series of celebrations taking place throughout the state in commemoration of Colorado Farmers Union’s centennial, which is being launched this year. T.W. Woodrow organized the first Farmers Union local at Langdon in Teller County in 1907 with seven charter members. In the 1940s, Colorado Farmers Union changed its name to Rocky Mountain Farmers Union to accommodate the addition of Wyoming to the organization. In the 1960s, New Mexico was added.
Today, RMFU represents some 26,000 family farm and ranch families from the three states that produce all types of food and fiber. The Colorado Legislature, during the last session, passed an act declaring July 22 as Farmers Union Day throughout the state.
For questions about the event or information on Farmers Union activities in the tri-county area, contact Adams St. Vrain Secretary and organizer of the event, Barb Marty at 303-288-0645.
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