Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Last spring (my first as RMFU President) I was talking to my wife about how busy it had been at the Farmers Union, and how spring was a just busy time of year for RMFU. Then, in the fall when I was still just as busy she told me “I thought you said spring was the busy time for RMFU.” Well, I guess Spring is just one of the many busy times of year…
I was so happy to see the event calendar the last couple months have lots of county chapter activities, as an engaged membership is one of the primary goals of RMFU. Seeing all the pictures of groups learning about malting at Root Shoot, and about fleece at The Fleece Factory made me sorry I had prior commitments. I hope those who got to attend continue to be active, and please reach out to your chapter leadership if you have an event idea!
During part of this busy season, a large group of us recently got to enjoy the warm weather of Scottsdale for NFU Convention, where the members elected at RMFU Convention last November carried policy priorities and did an excellent job getting most of the priorities included in NFU Policy. I attended multiple days of national board meetings, and was again selected to serve on the NFU Executive Committee, along with being selected at Vice-Chair of the Budget/Audit Committee.
I am also looking forward to a mini fly-in, where a small number of us will be going to Washington DC to make the case to our legislators to get a solid, workable Food and Farm Bill passed. After that we will have our spring RMFU Board meetings, where we will get updates and work towards accomplishing the goals set out by our strategic plan, as well as spend some time with our agents thanking them for the work they do in our communities, making sure their customers are covered and supporting the mission and vision of RMFU.
As we move into summer, registration for RMFU Summer Camp is open, so consider signing your kids up for this excellent program! The Fellows class will be meeting for a second time later in the summer, and RMFU staff is working hard on planning more county events through the summer and beginning work on RMFU Convention next November in Colorado Springs. Spring is a busy time, but so is summer, and fall, and it seems like years go by too quickly!
Look for more announcements of activities and attend when you can. Take part in your organization. If there’s an event that would be good for your communities, reach out and be a part of helping RMFU build a society in which family farmers, ranchers, and their communities thrive!
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