Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
Government Relations Contribution to Newsletter—December 2023
RMFU 2023 Member Survey
We are gathering feedback, and we want to hear from you—our members! Please consider taking the RMFU 2023 Member Survey. Two lucky members will be randomly drawn to win an annual RMFU membership. Surveys must be completed by the end of the day on 1/1/24.
During the RMFU Convention last month in Greeley, we launched our 2023 member survey. This survey provides you the opportunity to answer open-ended questions regarding how the organization and the individual departments are doing. We are also asking for your input on how the various departments within RMFU can increase engaged membership.
Your identifying information provided at the beginning of the survey will be separated prior to the analysis of the surveys. This information is collected solely for the prize drawing. You are not required to enter the prize drawing to fill out the survey.
Legislative Season is Almost Upon Us
The state legislative sessions for our three-state region are just around the corner! We are excited to work on legislation regarding water, agricultural and rural mental health, increasing access to agricultural assets for beginning farmers/ranchers and underserved and underrepresented individuals, meat processing, and many other topics affecting family farmers and ranchers across our region. You can find more information on the policy areas we are going to advocate for this next legislative season in the December issue of the Union Farmer.
Start dates for the 2024 legislative sessions:
Keep an eye out for the LegisLetter starting the second week of January. We will provide timely updates on what is happening at each of the legislatures in our region, including a highlight of the bills we are working on that week. If you did not receive the LegisLetter last year, please sign up on the Contact Us page or email LeeAnne Sanders, Communications Coordinator, at le*************@rm**.org.
You can also keep track of the bills we are watching on the bill trackers, which can be found here:
*The bill trackers will be updated when the sessions begin and bills are introduced.
Legislative Events for Members
The reason we have the ability to influence policy and decision-makers like we do is because of our members and our grassroots policy. Policymakers want to hear from you about the policies that are important to you, the issues you face, and the solutions you would propose to remedy those issues. The RMFU Legislative Drive-Ins and legislative events give you the opportunity to interact with policymakers, discuss legislation, and interact with your fellow members.
Here are the tentative dates for the 2024 legislative events:
We hope you can join us!
Keep an eye out for more information on our website, on a postcard coming soon, and in future RMFU Newsletters!
RMFU Water Policy Committee
Water is one of the most pressing policy issues in the West. The federal government and all three states in RMFU—Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming—have been working through countless pieces of legislation around the topic of water. As we advocate for family agriculture in our region, your voice is a vital part of the conversation. Therefore, RMFU would like to create a Water Policy Committee. This committee would provide essential feedback on proposed water legislation, aid in identifying recommendations for water policy to be submitted to the RMFU Policy Committee, and work with RMFU government relations staff to share their perspectives on water policy with legislators. If you are interested in joining the RMFU Water Policy Committee, please contact Tyler Garrett, Director of Government Relations, at ty***********@rm**.org
Share your voice and help shape the future of farming and ranching in the Rocky Mountain region.
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