The 2024 Redline Policy Book is now available! Click here to view or download!
The 2024 Redline Policy Book is now available! Click here to view or download!
Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
By RMFU President Kent Peppler
I think fall is my favorite time of year. This fall is special because we are harvesting an extra good crop.
It has been quite a long time since we have seen such a harvest in our area, so this year’s crop makes us even more thankful than we normally would be. While we are enjoying the beautiful fall colors, we should give thanks for those who came before us, for taking the time to formulate changes that gave us the good life we have today.
Fall roundup at the Terry Ranch Grazing Association, in Carr, Colorado, was always an exciting time for my family. It was always fun to see the progress of the cattle through the summer and to finally bring them home to feed out in Mead.
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union is ready to have our fall roundup. RMFU’s roundup begins with county conventions and district meetings – and just about any other place where two or more of our members get together. These grassroots conversations have to take place before RMFU can have good, sound policy. It finishes up at the big convention in November, where delegates finalize that grassroots policy.
“Grassroots.” I love that word, and when it comes to Rocky, grassroots action is the blood and backbone of the organization. I believe this with all of my heart, and that is the primary reason I ran for president. I have unquestionable faith in our members to formulate sound rural policy. Our past success, our current responsibilities, and our future as a viable farm organization depend on the rank and file member who is willing to show up for a meeting or serve on a committee.
It is absolutely imperative to the success of Rocky and rural America that we round up our members and friends in Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico so they can give Rocky the direction it must have to improve bottom lines all across rural America. I believe all of us have a responsibility to try to leave the earth in a little better shape than we found it. So let’s get these county meetings going; let’s fill the delegate seats at the state convention; let’s effect change that will improve the lifestyle in rural America and make future generations as proud of us as we of the people who came before us. Success for us starts with grassroots conversation and participation, county conventions, delegate rosters and, policy formulations. We achieve success with laws and programs and individual and family actions that improve rural America.
I hope you all of you have a bountiful fall and a successful roundup.
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