Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
“Fall is upon us. State fairs are over or in full swing, kids are back in school, and mornings are starting to have that fall feeling. At Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, we are already preparing for our annual convention in Greeley. You will soon see notices for your county meetings, where you will have the chance to get together, catch up, and elect your county leaders and delegates to the convention. If you want to guide your organization’s future, this is your chance to use your voice.
Our Policy Committee has met and begun the process that culminates in adopting policy that will guide our legislative work over the next year. In addition to policy, the delegates elect a new Vice President as Dale McCall steps down from his many years of service on the board. This election (as are all board elections) is open to all members in good standing, so if you want to lead and can commit to this important role, please reach out to myself or Ben Rainbolt to learn more about this important role. In accordance with our bylaws, candidates must notify the Board Secretary of their intent to run by September 18th, which is approaching very quickly!”
-from RMFU President, Chad Franke
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