The 2024 Redline Policy Book is now available! Click here to view or download!
The 2024 Redline Policy Book is now available! Click here to view or download!
Media Releases, Legislative News, Agricultural Updates
From RMFU President Chad Franke:
November is here, the first snow has fallen across much of our three states, and the growing season has come to a close. Fall harvests are underway, and I’m seeing many cattle and sheep moving off summer ranges onto the winter pastures. It certainly has been an unusual year for many of our members, from an intense winter of closed roads and deep snow to a very wet, cool spring across large areas. And yet, in some areas that need more of that precious moisture, farming and ranching have been a challenge this past year.
As Will Rogers said, “The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” From these challenges have come opportunities. In my area, enough hay was put up to make up for the extra hay fed over the winter, calves are coming off summer pasture heavier than normal, and cattle prices are promising.
When one considers that fewer than 2% of the population in the country provides the food, fuel, and fiber for the other 98% plus exports, we should be proud to be in agriculture. I thank all of our farmers and ranchers across our three states and across the country who work so hard to ensure that there is plentiful food in our freezers and pantries.
I am proud to represent and advocate for those who dedicate their time, their physical and mental energy, and their passion to agriculture, and we at RMFU will continue to work to strengthen member voices and make progress towards a society in which farmers, ranchers, and their communities thrive!
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