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The Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Educational and Charitable Foundation today announced the recipients of ten scholarships. The scholarships are funded by RMFU, FUSA Insurance Agency, and memorials to historic members of Farmers Union. They are given to students with outstanding scholastic achievements and community service, to recognize their gifts and assist them in pursuing their education.
“These recipients are bright young people who are the future leaders of our communities. The RMFU Foundation is proud to present scholarships to ten outstanding young leaders, to help them achieve their career goals,” said RMFU Education Director Jennifer Luitjens Bahr.
Stalina Schumacher, Peetz, Colo., James G. Patton Memorial ($1000)
Stalina is the daughter of Gary and Kristy Schumacher. She is graduating from Peetz Plateau High School and plans to attend Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, pursuing a degree in English with emphasis on creative writing. Stalina and her parents have been active in Rocky Mountain Farmers Union for thirteen years. Her achievements as a Farmers Union member earned her the 2010 Torchbearer Award. She is a member of the National Honor Society, president of the local FFA and secretary of the district FFA. Stalina is active in FBLA as well as honor band and honor choir. She also participates in her church youth group.
Colin Simon, Stratton, Colo., James G. Patton Memorial ($1000)
Colin is the son of Dave and Colleen Simon. He is graduating from Stratton High School. Colin plans to attend Central Community College in Hastings, Nebraska, where he has been accepted into their diesel mechanics program. Colin’s father Dave Simon has been active in Rocky Mountain Farmers Union for 30 years; he has served as president of Cheyenne County Farmers Union and is currently vice president of Kit Carson County Farmers Union. In high school, Colin has participated in a wide range of activities, from athletics to student council, FFA and 4-H.
Joseph Rosenbrock of Brush, Colo., Hazel Hemphill Memorial ($1000)
Joe is the son of Audrey and Brian Rosenbrock. Joe’s grandparents have been active in Rocky Mountain Farmers Union for 50 years, and his mother has served as an officer in Morgan County Farmers Union as well as assisting with RMFU Cooperative Leadership Camp. Joe began attending youth leadership camps in the second grade and served on the 2009 Senior Youth Advisory Council. He plans to attend CSU/Pueblo, working toward a degree in the secondary education with an emphasis in mathematics. Joe has been an active member of his school, church, and community, doing community service through 4-H, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and the Brush Lion’s Club. During his senior year, he is co-president of the Brush High School student council. He has maintained Honor Roll grades while lettering academically. The Hazel Hemphill Memorial Scholarship is endowed by Morgan County Farmers Union.
William Felzien, Limon, Colo., RMFU Charles Petty Memorial ($1000)
William, the son of Dale and Cleta Felzien, plans to pursue a B.S. in Engineering at Colorado State University. William’s family has been an important part of Farmers Union in Colorado for more than 50 years; his mother is currently president of Elbert/Lincoln Farmers Union. William participated in his first RMFU events as a toddler, and this year he completed a year on the Senior Youth Advisory Council and earned the coveted Torchbearer Award, an award his father Dale received a generation before. After his many years as a witness to RMFU conventions, in 2010 he served as a delegate from Elbert/Lincoln. In addition to school and community activities, William is an Eagle Scout.
Jordan Hergenreder, Longmont, Colo., Katheryn Pappenheim Memorial ($1000)
Jordan, the daughter of Jerry and Tricia Hergenreder, attends Colorado State University in Fort Collins, where she is pursuing a triple major in Animal Science, Ag Business, and Soil and Crop Science. Ultimately she hopes to finish a degree in Ag Law. Jordan’s family has been in Farmers Union for many years; her father Jerry is president of Adams/St. Vrain Farmers Union. Jordan lettered in basketball and softball during her high school years while maintaining an excellent GPA.
Travis Covelli, Weldona, Colo., Maurice Parker Memorial ($1000)
Travis is the son of Bradly and Fran Covelli. He plans to major in production agriculture at Northeastern Junior College, and then transfer for CSU for a degree in Animal Science. He is active in many community activities while maintaining his grades and participating in athletics. His excellence as an all-around student suggests that he will achieve his academic and career goals. The Maurice Parker Memorial Scholarship is endowed by Morgan County Farmers Union.
Tim Maul of Pavillion, Wyo., FUSA Scholarship ($1000)
Tim is the son of Calvin and Sheila Wakefield. He attends Wind River High School, where he has maintained high grades while participating in school, church, and community activities. Tim has attended RMFU Cooperative Leadership Camps for several years and has assisted with children’s events at conventions. He has been active in FFA and athletics. He looks forward to a career in engineering.
Trista Ostrom, Laramie, Wyo., FUSA Scholarhip ($1000)
Trista is currently enrolled at the University of Wyoming, where she is studying for a degree in Elementary Education. She grew up in Powell, Wyoming. Trista excelled in high school at debate, finishing third in Wyoming state competitions. She earned Outstanding 4-H Leadership Award four years in a row while also participating in FFA, Girls State, athletics, theater and the National Honor Society.
Colter Herreid, Green River, Wyo., RMFU Scholarhip ($1000)
Colter is the son of Todd and Rebecca Herreid. Colter is serving on the Senior Youth Activity Council and attended the 2010 RMFU convention. Colter is active in Boy Scouts of America, the National Forensics League, drama club, two school instrumental ensembles (jazz and symphonic), and an all-state marching band that marched in the 2010 Tournament of Roses Parade. Colter has attended RMFU camp for six years, most recently as a counselor-in-training. This fall Colter plans to attend the University of Wyoming, eventually complete graduate work in Zoology, and either teach or work for a government wildlife agency.
Danielle Lenz, Holyoke, Colo., Edna Buchanan Memorial ($1000)
Danielle is the daughter of George and Rebecca Lenz and currently finishing her senior year at Wray High School, where she has lettered in various sports while maintaining stellar grades. She plans to major in Animal Science at Oklahoma State University and then complete her studies to become a veterinarian. She has been active in many church and community activities, and a regular attendee at RMFU Cooperative Leadership Camps. She is chapter president in FFA and a member of the National Honor Society.
The RMFU Educational and Charitable Foundation promotes the well-being of rural communities and the family farmers and ranchers of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. The Foundation offers leadership training, youth education opportunities, funds and expertise to groups and individuals involved in cooperative enterprises, local food initiatives, and hometown community initiatives.
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