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RMFU Hosts Spring Fly-In

RMFU Hosts Spring Legislative Fly-In

There is finally some action happening in Congress regarding the Farm Bill. Both the Senate and House Agricultural Committees released basic frameworks for the massive bill last week. This is an opportune time for us to engage and influence the outcome of policy that affects everyone who eats, especially those who produce our food.

RMFU led a delegation of members to Washington D.C. in April to meet with legislators on key issues from our policy. In addition to issues within the Farm Bill, we also discussed agricultural labor and public land management (see our priorities below). We are grateful to members David Harold, Gwen Cameron, Sarah Cole-Lewis, Yolanda Benally, Cahill Sphall, and Zach Withers for joining Chad Franke and Dan Waldvogle in advocating for our member’s needs.

These meetings are a valuable opportunity to build relationships with our congressional offices and provide on-the-ground stories for how policies set in Washington D.C. truly affect our members at home. We will, once again, attend the National Legislative Fly-In this September 9th-11th. Please consider joining us!

RMFU Priority Bills for Spring 2024 Fly-In Member Meetings

Conservation and Western Agriculture

Protect conservation funding and maintain a strong Conservation Title by passing:

Support the following bills to increase resiliency and improve the stewardship of our working lands:

Ag Labor and Immigration

Increase Competition and Support Rural Economies

Bolster the Farm Safety Net

Pass a Robust Conservation Title in the Next Farm Bill

USDA conservation programs are essential for family farmers and ranchers as they work to mitigate the harmful effects of human-caused climate disruption, operate viable businesses, and participate in a climate-smart future through voluntary, incentive-based measures.

In recent years, family farmers and ranchers have faced increasingly erratic weather and dramatic changes to the water cycle including drought, floods, decreased surface flows, declining aquifers, and water contamination. While unique challenges vary across and within regions, those most affected are often farmers and ranchers. Drought and flood risks are as much symptoms of a loss of soil fertility as they are a product of weather variations. While farmers and ranchers are most likely to be negatively impacted by these challenges, they are also the group with the most power to positively affect water cycles and improve soil health for the benefit of their own operations, the environment, and society.

It is critical that Congress protect funding for conservation, agricultural water, and renewable energy programs allocated in the Inflation Reduction Act and produce a farm bill that compliments these investments while reforming current programs to meet the needs of family farmers and ranchers.

To these ends, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union supports:

We ask for Congress to support the following measures:


The Need for a Strong Farm Safety Net

A strong farm safety net and robust risk management tools are critical in protecting family farmers and ranchers from market and weather volatility. Over the last several years, the existing farm safety net has proven inadequate in the face of market disruptions and natural disasters, and we appreciate Congress’s repeated efforts to provide emergency relief to offset those losses.

RMFU supports efforts to improve the affordability of higher levels of crop insurance coverage and supplemental coverage with multiple options to reflect the needs of different regions and operations. This includes improving the availability and affordability of crop insurance for specialty crop growers, livestock producers, diversified and small-scale agricultural operations, and producers in large counties.

Finally, we recognize the need to pass a farm bill that is fiscally responsible. We believe improvements to farm bill programs should be targeted to family farms and ranches. We urge Congress to consider proposals that would mitigate or offset the cost of these improvements through subsidy limits or eligibility restrictions.

We encourage Congress to:


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